Did you make a new years resolution?
(are you sick of hearing this question or comment?)
What is a New Years resolution?
From the Cambridge dictionary it is “a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year”
Not sure about you, but i’ve learned the hard and sad way that promises are meant to be broken! So, i’ve promised to never make promises! The only promise I can keep haha
In all honesty, it is good to have some sort of goal or focus that we can set our minds to, right?
But how do we know what goals to make and how can we increase the chances of keeping them?
where does this decision come from?
And does it have to be at the beginning of a new year?
Are we setting ourselves up for disappointment?
Maybe, maybe not.
Perhaps we should be setting intentions instead.
First, let’s distinguish the difference between intentions, goals and expectations, because sometimes they are used interchangeably when they are indeed separate things.
An intention is a guiding principle for who you want to be and how you want to act, live, and show up in this world.

When we intend for something to happen, there is no expectation of it happening (or not) and so there is less chance for disappointment.
An EXPECTATION is a hope that something will happen. It comes from an ego state that is identified with, or attached to, an outcome.
Most disappointments in life tend to come when we have expectations that are not met. Often our expectations are not even conscious, so it can be hard to see how we came to be disappointed.
If you notice that you feel disappointed, frustrated, etc., but don’t know why, check in to see if there was an expectation attached to an outcome that did not go the way you thought it would.
This can give you insight and help you move past the negativity more easily.
A GOAL is the action plan based on the INTENTIONS we decide on.

A really great article written by Omar Itani describes our intention in the most eloquent way.
“Your intention is the magnet that guides your compass.
(read that again and again until it sets in)
It’s what you fall back on when you find yourself lost and uncertain, searching for the right energy to push you back on your feet in pursuit of your goals.
This one-word intention comes from within and answers this overall question:
What do I want my ultimate purpose to be this year?
The answer to this question is the sole holistic direction in which you will focus your energy throughout the year.
This one-word intention will then create an overarching alignment between the goals you will tackle, the actions you will take, and the opportunities you will consider accepting and likewise, declining. “ (Omar Itani)
I have decided that my intentional word that I will set my mind to is FOCUS, I want to stay focused on my purpose and my mission- stay focused and intentional towards my loved ones and meaningful relationships- stay focused on my education and training so I that my loved ones and clients can increase the quality of life and do the things that they love. I want to focus on my health so I have the energy to all of these things. I will be focused on growing my business and be intentional with my time - so that I am productive and help support my family. And most importantly keep my focus on God, He who is the alpha and the omega - and through Him all things are possible.
I am excited and looking forward to what this new year brings!
But first I must reflect on last year - I met some new and wonderful ladies in my RESTART classes that Hallie and I led.
Hallie and I got to know each other and we were able to create some wonderful educational content and our Food For Thought Friday was born!
I became certified through Restorative Wellness Solutions and became a level one Restorative Wellness Practitioner and can now order and interpret GI-MAPS and blood Food Sensitivity Testing!
I am a firm believer in testing and not guessing, and this training has allowed me to take my practice to the next level and serve my clients even better to get to the root cause of their (and my) issues.
I served two Nutritional Therapy Association classes as a Course Mentor and have met some wonderful ladies (and gentleman) who are passionate about changing the landscape of our health and wellbeing.
It is an honor to lead other adults on this path and I am optimistic about the paradigm shift in our health care choices. More people are taking charge of their families' and their own health.
I hope this post will inspire you to decide what your intentional word or phrase will be!
If you need some inspiration - check out this list of words, read it, take a walk and I am confident that your word will come to you.
Reply to this and let me know if you have a word or phrase already or if you want to chat and maybe brainstorm!
Schedule a free discovery call to see how I can help you align with your intentions.
