Ready in 20 minutes
Serves 8 servings
Mary Stein-Rosales
Recipe adapted from Puerto Rican Cookery By: Carmen Aboy Valldejuli
Sofrito is the basic flavoring for many Puerto Rican recipes. Have fun making it and enjoy all of the wonderful flavors! Try my Oxtail stew recipe!

Cilantro bunch
6 garlic cloves (give or take)
3 tsp salt
1/8 cup olive oil
1 onion
1 green pepper (seeded)
1 red pepper
Tbsp oregano
Tsp ground pepper
About ⅛ or ¼ cup Apple cider vinegar
Place ingredients in food processor
Once mixed, let sit for at least 10/15 minutes to let all of the salt, oil & vinegar to work its magic.
Then place in ice cube trays (This recipe fills about 2 ice cube trays).
I usually place a layer of parchment pepper and then aluminum on top and then place in freezer.
Once frozen, place in freezer bags and it should last for around 3-6 months depending on the seal, but it shouldn’t even last that long because it will be used for cooking! 😎

Note: All Puerto Rican/Latino/Caribbean have their own versions and variations of this - there is no one perfect recipe - it depends on access to the foods you have. You can find culantro (not cilantro) leaves in some “ethnic” stores but it’s usually not available across many states unfortunately, so make due with what you have! Have fun experimenting! And don’t be afraid to try new things 💓 buen provecho!